2003 Radiance Workshop Registration Form

September 22-26

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Berkeley, California

Organizers: Greg Ward & Judy Lai.  E-mail: workshop@radsite.lbl.gov

Registration fees are as follows.  Please check the appropriate box and circle the amount which you will be paying (Regular or Student).  Prices in US dollars.

_____Attending Tutorials Only ($500 Regular/$250 Student)
_____Attending Seminar Only ($250 Regular/$125 Student)
_____Attending Seminar and Presenting at Seminar ($150 Regular/$25 Student)
_____Attending Tutorials and Seminar ($600 Regular/$300 Student)
_____Attending Tutorials, Attending Seminar, and Presenting at Seminar ($500 Regular/$200 Student)

You may pre-pay with a check drawn from an US bank account, or pay by cash or check on your first day of the workshop. 

If pre-paying by check, please email workshop@radsite.lbl.gov so we know the check is coming, make the check payable to UC REGENTS, and mail to:

Judy Lai
1 Cyclotron Road
Berkeley, CA 94720-8134

We hope to see you at the workshop!