Setting up a drawing
- Launch Desktop Radiance by selecting the Desktop Radiance 1.0 icon from the Start—> Programs—> Desktop Radiance 1.0 menu group.
- Depending upon your AutoCAD setup, you may be presented with the Setup Wizard. If so, say OK to a new drawing in English units. To set the units for Desktop Radiance entities, go to the Radiance—> Preferences dialog box. Under the "General" tab select "Imperial" units and "Inches" from the combo box. Clicking "OK" will save these units to the drawing. If any Desktop Radiance entities (such as cameras, furnishings and luminaires) appear too large or small, this feature can be used to cause these entities to be appropriately scaled for your drawing. You can also use the "Symbol Scale" feature to change the default size of camera, north arrow and reference grid symbols.

Figure 1. The AutoCAD "tripod" shows the desired position of the cursor within cross-hairs in the upper right corner
- Type ddunits and select "architectural" to change the display to the imperial feet and inches format. Note: it is AutoCAD convention that the units display format of "architectural" corresponds to inches as the unit of measure for the drawing. Selecting a different unit in the preferences dialog will give unpredictable results.
- Draw a box to represent the walls, floor and ceiling of the room. box ¿ 0,0,0 ¿ 10',10',10' ¿
- Explode the box so that you can operate on individual surfaces: explode ¿ <select box>
- Change the view to axonometric with View—> 3D Viewpoint—> Tripod. Move your cursor to the position indicated by the small "+" mark near the center of the cross-hairs in (Figure 1). <position cursor near the cross-hairs between the origin and outer circle at 8 O'Clock> click the left mouse button